
In this section you would be able to find technical and marketing informations on our products.

Available below for download in PDF or similar format, you would find technical datasheet, catalogues or brochures, marketing support materials or certificates.

Please visit those pages regularly to seek for our regular updates; if you want to receive directly our updates, please subscribe to our newsletter !!

If you are too busy to search for the information you need, please contact us by phone or email ; we are at your entire disposal to design your belt drive and solve problems.

Brochure flanc nu courroie crantée en V

Get a hold of our product

Whatever you search for more informations on our products, or need a documentation to send to your customer, you would find here our main collaterals.

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Technical Datasheet

Looking for our product specifications ?

You would find individual and range datasheet showing our main product specifications 

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galerie de photos

Need to visualize or promote our products ?

Per each product category, you would find photos and marketing material to promote to your customers

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Certificat CIRS

Normative and Regulated certificates

Please find here main certificates such as ROHS, REACH, ISO 1813...

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